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Read our latest insights on learning, consultancy, and coaching.

Kristen Gyorgak
Aug 16, 2020
Yesterday's news, today's agility
Tuesday night Prime Minister Ardern and Director-General of Health Dr. Ashley Bloomfield held an emergency press conference. New...

Kristen Gyorgak
Aug 7, 2020
We get the why, focus on the how
A few years ago, Simon Sinek came to the mainstream with The Golden Circle concept: Start with Why. In short, he states all organisations...

Hilary Bryan
Jul 14, 2020
Only the lonely
We're emerging or have emerged from lockdown. Some people are championing working from home. Personally, I was at home in a crisis trying...

Hilary Bryan
May 11, 2020
Following threads, zoombies and the economy of action
One of the great joys of life for me is browsing library and bookshop shelves. You don't know what you'll come across, what you'll learn...

Kristen Gyorgak
Apr 29, 2020
Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face
At Hilary's Tea & Toast webinar on Build an agile mindset she quoted Mike Tyson. In the lead-up to a fight, Tyson was asked about how he...

Hilary Bryan
Apr 28, 2020
Over 100 creative ideas and still counting
I was going to start this blog with - Now's the time for creative thinking - but that misses the point. We shouldn't wait for a crisis to...

Hilary Bryan
Apr 14, 2020
The crisis and recovery cycle - where are we now?
I had another good read through this article over the weekend: Business recovery from disaster: A research update for practitioners by...

Hilary Bryan
Apr 7, 2020
A shout out for scenarios, metaphor, and the Beaconsfield mine rescue
Advice is coming thick and fast right now. I've taken plenty of advice on technology for new ways of working. Other, equally important...

Mar 31, 2020
Keep learning & carry on
If your inbox is anything like mine, then in the past month it's been completely bombarded by every company you've ever interacted with...

Mar 16, 2020
SCARF—a tool to understand reaction to the pandemic?
Threats and rewards are a topic in many of our workshops—they are a way to understand what drives people to behave in particular ways....
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