Yesterday I read a great blog by Cathy De Jongh reflecting on New Year's resolutions and why studies show 80% fail within the first 30 days. While we all know the flawed logic of resolutions, if you're anything like me, you go into the year setting resolutions and failing at them all the same.
Instead of specific resolutions, Cathy took up #OneWord365 challenge. The idea is to focus on a single word you want to set the tone for your year.
I had never heard, nor considered this before. To me this is really powerful, so I've picked up the #OneWord365 mantle.
When thinking about what my 2020 word should be, I followed Rey Lopez's process. Lopez writes, "I wanted my word to incorporate three things. First, I needed my word to call me to action... Second, my word needed to be a reflection of who I am called to be...Finally, it was critical my word oozed passion."
The word I chose for 2020 is CONSISTENT
Consistency brings predictable and expected behaviour. At any stage of the year, across any aspect of my life, I can reflect on what I'm doing through a simple question: Is this consistent? (with what I've said, with goals I've set, with how I want to be seen?)
Call to action
Of course the aim for all of us is for our words and actions to be consistent. Personally, one way to I'd like to focus on this is to maintain a consistent energy and effort throughout the whole project or plan. I can bring a lot of energy, ideas, and enthusiasm at the early stages and need to maintain this throughout the whole project. My energy already drives action, so to do this consistently is key.
Reflection of who I am called to be
I have a passion for working with and helping others—which is one reason I love this job. Our work makes a tangible difference in people's lives. By keeping my focus on consistency of my delivery, energy, and well-being, I'll be able to work with and empower others to the best of my ability.
Oozing passion
I agree—the word consistent isn't oozing passion or very 'sexy' in and of itself. However, I already ooze a lot of passion and don't think I necessarily need more. What I do need more of is consistency in how I apply that passion. For example, I'm incredibly passionate about my relationships with family and friends, but I don't always make the time or bandwidth consistently to nurture these relationships. This is the consistency I'm looking to bring in 2020.
And now it's your turn
Day 1 of my ONE word 2020, I've already reflected and made changes, so I'm pretty excited to see where it goes from here!
So now, I'd like to challenge you to do the same for your 2020. Start by asking yourself the following questions:
What tone do you want to set for the year?
What does this look like for you?
How will you reflect / check yourself to keep the tone alive?